Marielle Montginoul is a Research Director in Economics at Irstea within the UMR G-Eau (Montpellier). She conducts both research and expertise in the field of water. Her work focuses more specifically on water demand (from households and farmers). She studies its determinants (analysis of past trends) and ways of influencing it in order to imagine its management in the future.
Her research is aimed at supporting public policies. The objective is to analyse existing economic tools and their implementation and to design more effective ones that take into account demand functions and that can be implemented. To do this, it uses data from surveys of water users and water services, but also from experimental economics or prospective scenarios.
Tools used
- Analysing practices, social representations and behaviours of socio-hydro systems' actors, 2022
- Developing Substitution Resources as Compensation for Reduced Groundwater Entitlements: The Case of the Poitou Marshes (France), 2020
- Waste water reuse in France - Social perception of an unfamiliar practice, 2020
- Exploring the Potential of Groundwater Markets in Agriculture: Results of a Participatory Evaluation in Five French Case Studies, 2020
- Sustainable groundwater management in France and Australia: setting extraction limits, allocating rights and reallocation, 2020
- La gestion des ressources en eau souterraine : Six situations du bassin méditerranéen analysées sous l'angle de l'économie néo-institutionnelle et de la théorie des contrats, 2020
- Le compteur communicant : perception des irrigants. Le cas du bassin du Louts, 2019
- Smart metering: A water-saving solution? Consider communication strategies and user perceptions first. Evidence from a French case study, 2018
- Quatre ans après: que reste-t-il d'une action de recherche sur une prospective de la gestion d'une nappe côtière face au changement climatique?, 2017
- Policy instruments for decentralized management of agricultural groundwater abstraction: a participatory evaluation, 2015